No. Turn your Heat Pump off when you go to bed.
Heat Pumps are one of the most efficient types of electric home heating but have to be used wisely. Leaving the Heat Pump running 24 hours a day would clearly push the power bill up.
When you go to bed, the Heat Pump in a living room for example should be turned off. Otherwise you are simply wasting energy and pushing up your electricity bill unnecessarily.
Recent misleading publicity on the apparent high cost of heating homes using a Heat Pump, has lead some consumers to believe that Heat Pumps are much more expensive to run then conventional heating methods. Power companies have blamed unexpected increases in power bill estimates on the “catch up” that is accounted for in the bill when comparing last season’s power consumption to the current reading made.
Don’t leave any heating appliance running 24/7
One would not leave an electric bar heater running 24/7 so common sense should also prevail with the practical use of a Heat Pump in the home.
If a 3.5kW electric bar heater was left on for 24 hours over a whole month you could expect a power bill with a heating component in excess of $567 inc GST!
If a 3.5kW Heat Pump was run sensibly a couple of hours in the morning before going to work and then around 4 hours in the evening at an average outdoor temperature of 7°C for a whole month, the consumer could expect a heating bill of around $40.50 inc GST per month. A 3.5 kW electric bar heater run for the same time would cost $141.75 inc GST per month in electricity!